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Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

These wines are at the heart of the Wolf Blass brand - single varietal, fruit driven and South Australian. Yellow Label wines have delivered quality and consistency for more than four decades.

Wolf Blass Yellow Label Merlot 750ml

These wines are at the heart of the Wolf Blass brand - single varietal, fruit driven and South Australian. Yellow Label wines have delivered quality and consistency for more than four decades.

Wolf Blass Zero Rosé 750ml

Zero Alcohol, Low Calorie (28 Calories per serve), Low Sugar. Refreshing and crisp red apple acidity with a touch of strawberries and cream.

Wolf Blass Zero Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Zero Alcohol, Low Calorie (27 Calories per serve), Low Sugar. Zesty acidity with citrus flavours, tropical fruits with a touch of sweetness to fill out and balance.

Wolf Blass Zero Shiraz 750ml

Zero Alcohol, Low Sugar. Red fruits up front with chalky tannins, darker fruits become obvious in the mid palate with nice texture.

Yealands Chardonnay 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.

Yealands Lighter in Alchohol Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.

Yealands Merlot 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.

Yealands Pinot Gris 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.

Yealands Pinot Noir 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.

Yealands Reserve Pinot Gris 750ml

With bees buzzing and butterflies flourishing in the vines, Yealand's coastal home produces wines bursting with flavour. Beautifully biodiverse. An abundance of flavour.

Yealands Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

With bees buzzing and butterflies flourishing in the vines, Yealand's coastal home produces wines bursting with flavour. Beautifully biodiverse. An abundance of flavour.
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