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Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 750ml

The palate is rounded in the mouth, with gentle citrus and white peach characters, enfolded in layers of crème patissière and hazelnut.

Craggy Range Single Vineyard Kidnappers Chardonnay 750ml

The cool yet sunny environment of Craggy Range's Te Awanga Vineyard near Cape Kidnappers allows the development of intense Chardonnay flavours in the grapes, captured using traditional winemaking techniques seen in the Chablis region of France. The wine's colour transforms into a pale straw hue, instantly evoking the coastal essence of the vineyard. The bouquet carries hints of oyster shells, sea spray, and cashews, further reinforcing its seaside character. A sense of vibrancy and freshness on the palate is complemented by lively acidity that doesn't compromise flavour. The taste of fresh lemon curd and subtle oak adds richness and makes for a delicious and invigorating palate.

Dog Point Chardonnay 750ml

A pure, bright and youthful citrus driven chardonnay with complex smoky, flint, toast and biscuit notes derived from extended barrel aging on full solids. The palate is focussed and restrained which unfurls on the finish and exposes the intense citrus core with underlying cashew, nutty flavours.

Fat Bastard Chardonnay 750ml

Just like them used to make em'. Fat Bastard Chardonnay has an opulent, rich palate of grilled pineapple, spiced butterscotch and loaded with peach and apricot. Filled with macadamia and almond meal notes, the wine has a bright linear acid line bringing liveliness and freshness. Full bodied goodness.

Hardys Varietal Range Chardonnay 1 Litre

Hardys VR stands for uncomplicated wines displaying true varietal character, perfect for everyday enjoyment. Hardys Varietal Range Chardonnay is from South East Australia and has juicy fruit characters of white peach, yellow nectarine and subtle hints of vanillin that make it very easy drinking. A solid choice to serve with seafood and chicken dishes.

Jacob's Creek Classic Chardonnay 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Chardonnay is a modern Australian Chardonnay, showcasing a range of ripe fruit flavours, finishing with a creamy mouthfeel. On the nose subtleties of toasted oak with fresh rockmelon and stone fruit aromas. The palate is soft and well-rounded with melon, peach and toasted oak flavours with a creamy textural finish.

Kumeu Village Chardonnay 750ml

Kumeu River Wines and the owners, the Brajkovich family, are icons of the New Zealand wine industry. This is the entry level Chardonnay, which consistently over delivers for the incredibly modest price charged. It's smooth, nutty, dry and fresh with savoury elements derived from fermentation.

Lake Chalice The Falcon Chardonnay 750ml

Delicate aromas of peach and grapefruit with a touch of spicy oak. The palate of this bright and elegant medium bodied Chardonnay exhibits a creamy texture with soft acidity.

Mahi Marlborough Chardonnay 750ml

Mahi love Chardonnay! This wine is a complex, textural wine that exhibits the slight creaminess on the mid-palate that is the key characteristic of Chardonnay. The structure still retains acidity giving length and freshness.

Main Divide Chardonnay 750ml

The nose is packed with an abundance of citrus and stone fruit, together with the tropical aromas of pineapple and guava. Interspersed also with floral notes reminiscent of honeysuckle and jasmine. The palate is concentrated and mouth-filling, yet balanced with refreshing acidity that complements its lingering dry finish. Vegan Friendly.

Man O' War Waiheke Valhalla Chardonnay 750ml

The Valhalla has a wealth of ripe aromas; nectarine and grapefruit with complex layers of baking bread, cashew and flinty reductive elements. Rich and fulsome on the palate, with a spine of acidity harmoniously interwoven with richness and a ripe citrus finish.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Chardonnay 750ml

Aromas of ripe melon and peach abound with butterscotch and fig notes. The palate is rich, with ripe fruits, showcasing peach flavours and an inherent creaminess, and a lingering bright finish.
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