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19 Crimes Red Blend 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. The Red Blend is full and round on the palate with a distinct sweetness and spice, giving a rich and round mouth feel.

Anciano 10 Years Gran Reserva Tempranillo 750ml

A range of different characteristics can be identified on the nose - black cherry fruit, spicy notes of leather and musk, tobacco and vanilla oak. Medium to full bodied with some finesse, concentrated red fruit compote flavours and smooth, mellow tannins on the finish.

Anciano 3 Years Crianza Tempranillo 750ml

Attractive fruit richness with seductive savoury undertones. Lifted aromas of dark fruit, matured game, cedar and spice lead to a beautifully weighted palate that is smooth and generous. A very appealing red showing lovely harmony and maturity.

Anciano 7 Years Gran Reserva Tempranillo 750ml

Medium to full bodied with real finesse, concentrated red fruit flavours, mellow tannins and a smooth finish.

Barton & Guestier Grand Bouquet Beaujolais-Villages 750ml

This brilliant garnet wine is bright and fresh, with ripe, supple crushed strawberry flavours underscored by zesty nuances of peppercorns, gentle tannins and a clean acidity, finishing on a succulent, refreshing note.

Brown Brothers 1889 Tempranillo 750ml

In the glass this wine is a bright crimson red with aromas of dark berries and integrated fruit and oak. These characters follow through to the palate which has savoury characters and very fine tannins.

Brown Brothers Cienna 750ml

Brown Brothers Cienna is like tasting summer berries in a glass; filled with fresh ripe cherries and juicy red berries. With a gentle spritz, Cienna is smooth with a refreshing finish. A perfect red wine for summer. Enjoy chilled.

Brown Brothers Dolcetto & Syrah 750ml

Dolcetto is an Italian grape variety that is little known or planted in Australia. The variety hails from the mountainous Piedmont region of north-west Italy. Translated literally, 'Dolcetto' means 'little sweet one'. This wine has fresh, lifted aromas of red jubes, blackberries, red currants, hints of spice and liquorice. The palate has flavours of ripe summer berries and a natural grape sweetness that is balanced by the frizzante mouth-feel providing a refreshing, lively finish.

Brown Brothers Limited Edition Cienna Salted Caramel 750ml

Inspired by creamy caramel brittle, this Limited Edition Cienna Salted Caramel combines Brown Brothers' favourite fruity red with a hint of salted caramel delight. The perfect balance of savoury and sweet. Enjoy Chilled.

Campo Viejo Ecológico Rioja DOC 750ml

Campo Viejo Ecologico is their most exciting expression in terms of sustainability. It combines organic wine, sustainable practices and improved packaging without compromising the quality of the wine. They carefully converted and certified their vineyard in Rioja to an organic vineyard, selecting the highest quality of organic grapes. This wine is bottled in a lightened bottle with 75% recycled glass and the bottle is 100% recyclable in its entirety. Fermented in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperatures, this organic wine is also certified vegan. Very fragrant mouth, with good structure and a fresh and fruity finish. The nose is flooded with signature Tempranillo red fruit, plums and blackberries, further enhanced with strawberries and delicate herbal notes contributed by the Garnacha. Perfectly paired with cured meats, poultry, pizza and pies.

Campo Viejo Reserva Rioja DOCa 750ml

An elegant expression of premium Rioja vines made from Tempranillo, Graciano and Mazuelo. Aged for four years, Reserva perfectly balances a fruity palate with hints of clove, pepper, vanilla and coconut.

Campo Viejo Tempranillo Rioja 750ml

Crafted from 100% premium Tempranillo and a passionate winemaking philosophy. The result is a fresh and lively fruit expression of the variety, that is undeniably Campo Viejo.
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